Infancy is a period of rapid growth and development, and our littlest Little House family members transform before our very eyes! Each of our babies balance explorative play time on soft padded surfaces, with time for quiet snuggles and songs. With your child’s health and safety as our top priority… our teachers abide by safe sleeping practices, follow diaper changing procedures, and clean and sanitize our infant room daily. Your little one can follow their own individual nap and feeding schedule at Little House, because we understand how important it is to meet their individual needs! You can look forward to receiving pictures of some of your baby’s favorite moments via the app Brightwheel.

Our curious Toddlers are full of energy and eager to absorb knowledge through all of their senses! Their minds are stimulated by music and movement, as well as daily hands-on learning activities. Their gross motor development and social skills are enhanced during plenty of indoor and outdoor open-ended play opportunities. These mover & groovers learn by doing! Language acquisition, problem solving, and self-help skills are just some of the milestones encouraged in our busy bunch of two to three year olds!

Little House engages our students with a creative curriculum based on Pennsylvania Learning Standards. We look at the whole child and track individual progress in all areas of development. Little House teaches academic goals to our students while simultaneously guiding the development of their character. We value kindness, empathy, and acceptance. As our little ones approach school-age, we communicate with you on their progress in meeting Kindergarten readiness expectations. We also communicate with Mars Area School District to ensure our students are best prepared for Kindergarten and beyond!

LH Kindergarten
Little House proudly offers a full day Kindergarten option. Little House Kindergarten boasts a small class size in the morning, offering plenty of opportunity for one-on-one teacher interaction and individualized instruction. Children who attend LH Kindergarten engage in the Heggerty Phonemic Awareness Curriculum as is used at Mars Area School District. This helps to ensure a seamless transition to first grade or a repeat of Kindergarten should your choose to do so! Children who are enrolled in morning Kindergarten at MASD can be transported to Little House for lunchtime and care. Our focus is indoor/outdoor play time along with Kindergarten enrichment activities, and fun with friends in a home away from home!
* LH Kindergarten is certified under DHS not under Department of Education
School-aged children can be bussed to and from Mars Area School Disctrict from Little House, up to the age of 12. Our school-aged kiddos are provided snack after school, indoor/outdoor play time, and assistance during homework time. In the summer, Little House fills the days with unforgettable FUN-tastic summer camp themes! Our campers create, experiment, invent, explore, and enjoy plenty of time outdoors during weekly field trips! Please be sure to visit our Summer Camp registration page for more info!